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  Future Perfect Tense

English Grammar >>> Future Perfect Tense

 Structure Examples We use the Future Perfect Tense:
 To form the Future Perfect Tense we use the future simple of have (will have) and the past participle of the verb. This is also called the past in the future. Most past participles end in -ed (painted, arrived, visited, etc.). Irregular verbs have special past participles that must be memorized. (told, said, spoken, eaten, etc.) The future perfect tense is not commonly used in English.

The Future Perfect Tense is often used with expressions like by the time, by next week, by then, by next year, by the year 2020, etc.)

 Affirmative form

he/she/it       WILL HAVE FINISHED

 Negative form

he/she/it    WILL NOT HAVE
we                FINISHED

1. She will not have finished her work.
2. He will not have left.

 Interrogative form

WILL   he/she/it   HAVE FINISHED?

1. Will they have arrived?
2. Will our children have returned from school?

1. I will have accomplished the task by the time my coleague returnes.
2. She will have cooked dinner by the time her husband repears the car.
3. Tina will have washed the dishes.
4. By the time you arrive, my foreign guests will have left.
5. He will have written his report.
6. By the time we get to the cinema the movie will have started.
to express an action that will be completed in the future (usually before another action or event in the future)

1. The student will have passed his exam by Friday.
2. I will have finished the writing by midnight.
3. By next January I will have lived here for 10 years.
4. By 10 o'clock I will have finished the translation.
5. By the end of the month we will have finished the course.
6. They will have known each other for eight years this June.
to say that an action will be completed before a specific time in the future
1. Why don’t you visit them? They will probably have returned from their vacation.
2. I suppose, you will have heard the news of the day.
 to express what we thing or guess has probably happened in the recent past
   We can also form the Future Perfect Tense with "be going to". "Will" form and "be going to" form can be used interchangably:      
  • She is going to have finished her homework by the time her schoolmate arrives.
  • She will have finished her homework by the time her schoolmate arrives.

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